Monthly Archives: March 2023

人民銀行 銀保監會 證監會 外匯局 廣東省人民政府聯合發佈金融支持橫琴粵澳深度合作區和前海深港現代服務業合作區建設意見
Mar 14 | Tue

來源:中國人民銀行發佈日期:2023-02-23   為深入貫徹黨中央、國務院決策部署,落實《橫琴粵澳深度合作區建設總體方案》和《全面深化前海深港現代服務業合作區改革開放方案》要求,經國務院同意,2023年2月,人民銀行會同銀保監會、證監 ...

FSS-DSOC Seminar : “Structure-mechanism Explanation and the Evolving Relationship Between Structures and Mechanisms after the Big-Bang ”
Mar 24 | Fri

FSS-DSCO Seminar : “Structure-mechanism Explanation and the Evolving Relationship Between Structures and Mechanisms aft ...

FSS-DECO Seminar:“ Individual Welfare Analysis with Confidence ” – Joint with Sokbae (Simon) Lee
Mar 28 | Tue

FSS-DECO Seminar:“ Individual Welfare Analysis with Confidence ” - Joint with Sokbae (Simon) Lee Speaker:Prof. Junlong ...

Computational Social Sciences Workshop:”Testing and Support Recovery of Correlation Structures for Matrix-valued Observations with an Application to Stock Market Data”
Mar 15 | Wed

Computational Social Sciences Workshop:"Testing and Support Recovery of Correlation Structures for Matrix-valued Observ ...

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