
FSS has earlier invited Prof. Richard FITZERALD and Prof. Todd JACKSON to each deliver a seminar to share their research excellence.  They are FSS Outstanding Research Awardees of AY 2020/2021.

Prof. Richard FITZERALD delivered a seminar entitled “On Phenomenon, Data and Method” on 26 March. He discussed his research in relation to the foundational question underpinning the discipline of Sociology. He situated the study of sociological reasoning within the Ethnomethodological research tradition and explored the research practices of observation, data collection and methods of analysis in undertaking such research.

Prof. Todd JACKSON delivered a seminar entitled “Correlates, Risk Factors, and Interventions for Disordered Eating in a Chinese Context” on 21 April. He presented the results of studies examining associations of experiences with Western media versus media from China and other Asian nations on body image of young Chinese women. There was no intervention studies in Asian countries.

Both seminars were well received and held successfully.  Each attracted more than 30 academic staff and students to attend the seminars.

Prof. Richard FITZERALD is a professor in DCOM, with current research on Membership Categorisation Analysis. Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis of Broadcast Media. He is the Editor in Chief of Discourse Context Media (Elsevier), which is indexed in SSCI and SJR. He is also the editorial board members of three journals, of which two are SSCI. He is also a very productive researcher.

Prof. JACKSON is a professor in DPSY, with professional interests in clinical psychology and health psychology. He is a world-class researcher and has been identified one of the most influential scientists in psychology, cognitive sciences, and psychiatry in both global and China-based databases.