

澳門大學40週年校慶—社會科學學院俄羅斯中心線上講座 “如何推動阿富汗局勢平穩過渡”

社會科學學院俄羅斯中心於10月12日舉辦本學年第二場學術講座,邀請知名智庫俄羅斯國際事務委員會總幹事安德列.科爾圖諾夫博士以“如何推動阿富汗局勢平穩過渡”為題發表線上演說。 今年8月,塔利班在美國撤 ...

澳門大學40週年校慶—社會科學學院俄羅斯中心線上講座 “900日圍城:列寧格勒保衛戰”

社會科學學院俄羅斯中心於9月8日舉辦新學年首場學術講座,邀請俄羅斯聖彼得堡國立大學國際關係學院世界政治系安德烈.阿利莫夫教授以“900日圍城:列寧格勒保衛戰”為題發表線上演說。 列寧格勒保衛戰是第二 ...


The Russian Centre was established in March 2015 and witnessed the successful cooperation between the University of Macau and the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

The Russian Centre aims to study Russia as a nation, including its politics, economy, history, culture, language and etc. The Centre also provides a platform for UM faculty and students to learn more about Russia, and help increase collaboration and cultural exchange between China and Russia.

In the past few years, the Centre has held dozens of activities, including academic lectures, photo exhibitions commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, receptions, and sharing of Soviet classic films.

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