
The Russian Centre recently invited Professor Zhiyi Hu from Faculty of Media and Cross Cultural Communication of Zhejiang University to give a lecture: “Poetry, Soul and Mystery: Three Russian and Soviet Novels adapted for the stage – a Review of ‘Eugene Onegin’, ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, ‘And Quiet Flows the Don’ ” via online conference.

In order to give audiences a better learning experience, the Russian Center held a special viewing activity before the lecture, showing teachers and students several relevant films and television works to enhance their understanding of Russian drama and film art, which also helped the communication later.

Know more about The Russian Centre

The Russian Centre was established in March 2015 and witnessed the successful cooperation between the University of Macau and the Russkiy Mir Foundation. It aims to study Russia as a nation, including its politics, economy, history, culture, language and etc. The Centre also provides a platform for UM faculty and students to learn more about Russia, and help increase collaboration and cultural exchange between China and Russia.

About the Speaker

Professor Hu Zhiyi is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University. He also serves as the President of the Chinese Drama Theory and History Society, the advisor of Zhejiang Literary Critics Association, and the member of the full Committee of Zhejiang Writers Association. Professor Hu is mainly engaged in the research of drama, film and television arts. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals “Chinese Drama Studies”(《中國話劇研究》) and “Culture and Art Studies”(《文化藝術研究》). He has also published over 100 research papers in influential Chinese academic journals.