Newman M.K. LAM 林明基
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Macau
Associate Professor (Retired, 2018)
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D, University of Victoria, Canada
MPA, University of Victoria, Canada
B. Comm, University of British Columbia, Canada
Research Interests
Civil Service Reform in Macao
Government Intervention in the Economy: Hong Kong, Macao and Singapore
Public Sector Performance Measurement: Hong Kong and Canada
Teaching Areas
Lam, N. & Scott, I., Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011.
Lam, N., “The Impact of the Gaming Liberalisation on Public Opinion and Political Culture”, in N. Lam & I. Scott (eds.) Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011, 37-54.
Lam, N., “Performance Management Reform in Macao”, in E.M. Berman (ed.) Public Administration in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Phillippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Macao, Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2011, 519-536.
林明基 著, <港澳公共行政改革比較研究>, 余振 等編, <<雙城記III –港澳政治, 經濟及社會發展的回顧與前瞻>>, 澳門: 澳門社會科學學會, 2009, 109-125.
Lam, N. “Public opinion and economic intervention in Hong Kong: an emerging dilemma”, in R. Ash et al (eds.), Hong Kong in Transition: Volume II, London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003, 34-48.
Lam, N. “Government intervention in Macao’s economy,” Asian Journal of Public Administration, 2002, 24(2), 211-233.
Lam, N. “Government intervention in the economy: a comparative analysis of Singapore and Hong Kong,” Public Administration and Development, 2000, 20, 397-421.
Lam, N. “The changing functions of public budgeting in Hong Kong,” Public Administration and Policy, 2000, 9, 2, 1-25.