
We have simplified the FSS logo with a single color, Pantone 3262C – the colour of graduation stole to represent FSS graduates. The new logo visually aligns with “Social Sciences” to associate the ideas of the integration of theory and practical value. We can also see the logo as an open book for education, and an open door for students to pursue their careers and future.

澳門大學社會科學學院的新標誌既簡化舊有設計,顏色亦以Pantone 3262C—學院畢業袍披肩色帶為主色。新標誌加入了「Social Sciences」的英文簡寫 —「SS」文字結合而成,以配合學院理論與實踐並重的教學目標。我們更將「書本」和「門」作為結合元素,寓意教育與職業之交互,並寄望學生積累更多的實踐經驗和競爭力,成就未來。