+853 8822 4015
Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)
University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macao
Humanities & Social Sciences Building (E21B), 4033a
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Personal Website
Richard Weixing HU胡偉星
Distinguished Professor
Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Macau Development Foundation (UMDF) Distinguished Professor of Politics and Public Policy
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. (Political Science) University of Maryland, College Park
M.A. (International Relations) Johns Hopkins University SAIS
B.Law (International Politics) Peking University
Research Interests
Politics and Public Policy
International Political Economy
China and East Asian International Relations
China’s Foreign Relations
Hong Kong, Macau and Greater China Studies
Teaching Areas
International Political Economy
China and East Asian International Relations
China’s Foreign Relations
Hong Kong, Macau and Greater China Studies
- [Book] Geography and International Conflict: Ukraine, Taiwan, Indo-Pacific, and Sino-American Relations, (with Steve Chan), London: Routledge, 2024. ISBN 978-1-032-91571-5 (hard cover); 978-1-032-93145-6 (paperback).
- “探究古代東亞等級制國際秩序長期存在的原因—以中國“大一統”政道下的政治勢能為研究視角”(與孟維瞻 合著),《南國學術-澳門大學學報》(South China Quarterly: Journal of University of Macau), Volume 14, No.3 (2024).
- “中美科技競爭與台灣對半導體產業管制”,(與楊明勳合著),《中國評論》,2024年7月號(總第319期),第70-76頁。
- “Geopolitics, Domestic Politics, and Risks of War in the Taiwan Strait: Washington and Emerging Cross-Strait Dynamics,” (with Weizhan Meng), The China Review, Vol. 23, No.4 (October 2023), pp.17-39. https://www.jstor.org/stable/48750780.
- “從治理體系來看重塑香港區議會與地區治理架構的必要性”,(與段聿舟合著)《紫荊論壇》(雙月刊),2023年第3期(68期)https://bau.com.hk/article/2023-06/27/content_1123313624144080896.html
- “US-China Strategic Competition in the Indo-Pacific: From Donald Trump to Joe Biden” in Srabani Roy Choudhury, ed., The Indo-Pacific Theatre: Strategic Visions and Frameworks, London: Routledge 2022, pp.94-115.
- “俄乌冲突、大国竞争与世界地缘政治格局的演变—以地缘政治学为研究视角” 《亚太安全与海洋研究》,2022年第4期,第12-28页。DOI: 10.19780 /j.cnki.ytaq.2022.4.2
- “强化政府治理能力:香港从“由乱到治”走向“由治及兴”的重要路径”. (与段聿舟合著),《统一战线学研究》,2022(4)第102-109页,DOI:10.13946/j.cnki.jcqis.2022.04.000
- “俄烏戰爭如何撬動世界地緣政治板塊?” (與段聿舟合著),《中國評論》, 2022年5月號(總第293期),第18-27頁。
- “Rethinking Revisionism in World Politics,” (with Kai He, Huiyun Feng, and Steve Chan), The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Volume 14, Issue 2, Summer 2021, pp.159–186, https://doi.org/10.1093/cjip/poab004
- “The United States, China, and the Indo-Pacific Strategy: The Rise and Return of Strategic Competition,” The China Review, Vol. 20, No. 3 (August 2020), pp.127–142. DOI:10.2307/26928114
- “The US Indo-Pacific Strategy and China’s Response,” (with Weizhan Meng), The China Review, Vol. 20, No. 3 (August 2020), pp.143-176. DOI:10.2307/26928115
- [Book] Contesting Revisionism: China, the United States, and the Transformation of International Order (with Steve Chan, Huiyun Feng, and Kai He), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2021, 232 pp. ISBN-13: 9780197580295.
- “Discerning States’ Revisionist and Status-Quo Orientations: Comparing China and the U.S.”, European Journal of International Relations (with Steve Chan and Kai He), Vol. 25, issue 2 (2019), pp.613-640, DOI: 10.1177/1354066118804622.
- “Reacting to China’s rise throughout history: Balancing and Accommodating in East Asia”, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific (with Weizhan Meng), Vol.18, Issue 3 (2018), pp.1-30. DOI: 10.1093/irap/lcy022
- “Xi Jinping’s ‘Major Country Diplomacy’: The Role of Leadership in Foreign Policy Transformation,” Journal of Contemporary China, 28:115 (2018), pp.1-14, DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1497904
- “Trump’s China Policy and its Implications for the ‘Cold Peace’ across the Taiwan Strait”, The China Review, Vol. 18, No. 3 (August 2018), pp.61-88.
- “China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Strategy: Opportunity or Challenge for India?” China Report, vol.53, no.2 (2017), pp.1–18. DOI: 10.1177/0009445517696619
- “China and the United States in the Asia Pacific: Towards a New Model or New Normal of Major Power Relations?” China: An International Journal, Volume 15, no.1 (2017), pp.21-40, https://muse.jhu.edu/article/650100/pdf
- “Xi Jinping ‘Big Power Diplomacy’ and China’s Central National Security Commission (CNSC)”, Journal of Contemporary China, volume 25, no.98 (March 2016), pp.163-177, DOI:10.1080/10670564.2015.1075716.
- “China and the United States: Towards a New Model of Major Power Relations?” East Asian Policy, volume 7, issue 4 (October/December 2015), pp.14-23, http://www.eai.nus.edu.sg/publications/files/EAP_V7N4.pdf
- “East Asia’s Enduring Rivalries: Ripe for Abatement?” (with Steve Chan), Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs, Vol.2, no.2 (2015), pp.133–153, DOI: 10.1177/2347797015586118
- “China as a Listian Trading State: Interest, Power, and Economic Ideology,” in G. John Ikenberry, Wang Jisi, and Zhu Feng, eds., America, China, and the Struggle for World Order: Ideas, Traditions, Historical Legacies, and Global Visions, New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, pp.211-242.
- “Does regional international society exist in East Asia? A Response to Yongjin Zhang,” Global Discourse, Vol. 5, No. 3, (2015), pp.374–378, DOI:10.1080/23269995.2015.1053240.
- “China’s Future Role in East Asia,” in Andrew T.H. Tan, ed., Security and Conflict in East Asia: Preventing a Global War, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2015, pp.203-213.
- “Assessing Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre”, (with Douglas Arner, et al.) Social Sciences Research Network, 209 pp, April 2014, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2427609.
- “Taiwan Strait détente and the changing role of the United Strait in cross-Strait relations,” China Information, vol.27, no.1 (March 2013), pp.31-50. DOI:10.1177/0920203X12468256
- [Book] New Dynamics in Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: How Far Can the Rapprochement Go? (ed.), Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2013, 244 pp. ISBN 9781138950405.
- “Politics of Détente: Comparing Korea and Taiwan,” (with Steve Chan and Injoo Sohn), Pacific Review, vol.26, issue 2 (February 2013), pp.199-220. DOI:10.1080/09512748.2012.759258
- “China’s New Generation of Leaders and Regional Challenges in East Asia” (with Steve Chan), Eurasian Geography and Economics, vol.53, no.6 (November/December 2012), pp.674-687. DOI:10.2747/1539-7216.3.6.6754.
- “Explaining Change and Stability in Cross-Strait Relations: A Punctuated Equilibrium Model,” Journal of Contemporary China, volume 21, issue 78 (November 2012), pp.933-953. DOI:10.1080/10670564.2012.701033
- “階級差異或認同制約?大陸台灣人當地融入的分析 (“Class or Identity Matters? The Social Assimilation of Taiwanese Sojourners in China”, (with Lin Ruihua and Keng Shu) in 《中國大陸研究》Mainland China Studies, vol.54, no.4 (December 2011), pp.29-56.
- [Book] East Asian Economic Integration: Law, Trade and Finance (eds. with Ross P. Buckley and Douglas W. Arner), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, June 2011, 352 pp, ISBN: 978 184980 8682.
- “大陸台商政治認同變遷分析” (“An Analysis of the Transformation of Political Identification of Taiwanese Businessmen in the Mainland”), 陈德昇 主编《台商大陸投資二十年:經驗、發展與前瞻》(Twenty Years of Taiwanese Businessmen and Investment in the Mainland: Experiences, Development and Prospects), Taipei, Taiwan: INK印刻出版社,2011 pp.367-390.
- Building Asia Pacific Regional Architecture: The Challenge of Hybrid Regionalism, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, July 2009, 30 pp. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/building-asia-pacific-regional-architecture-the-challenge-of-hybrid-regionalism/
- “APEC and Future Asia-Pacific Regional Architecture,” American Foreign Policy Interest, vol.31, issue 1 (January 2009), pp.12-22. DOI:10.1080/10803920802711470.
- “Constructing Core Values in China’s International Relations: From Practice to Theory in the Last Thirty Years,” in Pan Wei and Lian Si, ed., The Thirty Years Change of Social Values in China, 1978-2008, 《中国社会价值观变迁30年(1978-2008)》, (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press 中国社会科学出版社, 2008), pp.357-385.
- “Promoting Energy Partnership in Beijing and Washington,”(with Daojiong Zha), Washington Quarterly, vol.30, no.4 (Autumn 2007), pp.105-115. DOI:10.1162/wash.2007.30.4.105
- “The Political-Economic Paradox and Beijing’s Strategic Options,” in Edward Friedman, ed., China’s Rise, Taiwan’s Dilemmas, and International Peace (New York and London: Routledge, 2006), pp.22-38.
- [Book] Building a Neighborly Community: post-cold war China, Japan, and Southeast Asia (with Zha Daojiong), Manchester and London: Manchester University Press, 2006, 260 pp. ISBN-10: 0719070651; ISBN-13: 978-0719070655.
- “The Future of East Asian Regionalism: Forging a Common Vision,” Asian Review, volume 18 (2005), pp.11-28.
- “Shanghai Cooperation Organization: New Perspectives,” The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, no.11 (2004), pp.129-151.
- “Cross-Strait Relations: Heading for Collision?” East Asia: an International Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 3 (Fall 2003), pp.5-15.
- “New Delhi’s Nuclear Bomb: A Systemic Analysis,” World Affairs 163 (1) (Summer 2000), pp.28-38.
- [Book] China’s International Relations in the 21st Century: Dynamics of Paradigm Shifts (eds. with Gerald Chan and Daojiong Zha), Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2000, 231 pp. ISBN 978-0-7618-1831-1(Hardback); 978-0-7618-1832-8 (Paperback).
- “The Growing China and Its Prospective Role in World Affairs,” (with Zhiyong Lan and Ken Q. Wang), The Brown Journal of World Affairs, vol.vi, issue 2 (Summer/Fall 1999), pp.43-61.
- “India’s Nuclear Bomb and Future Sino-Indian Relations,” East Asia: an International Quarterly, vol.17, no.1 (Spring 1999), pp.40-68.
- “China and Northeast Asian Cooperation: The Economic-Security Nexus,” Global Economic Review, vol.28, no.2 (1999), pp.50-67.
- “India Going Nuclear: A Bomb against China?” Journal of Chinese Political Science, vol.4, no.2 (Fall 1998), pp.19-40.
- “China’s Taiwan Policy and East Asian Security,” Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol.27, no.3 (1997), pp.374-391.
- “Teaching Political Science in East Asia: the Importance of Critical Thinking,” Political Science, Vol.49, no.1 (1997), pp.81-89.
- “China and Asian Regionalism: Challenge and Policy Choice,” Journal of Contemporary China, vol.5, no.11 (March 1996), pp.43-56.
- “Beijing’s Defense Strategy and the Korean Peninsula,” Journal of Northeast Asian Studies, vol.XIV, no.3 (Fall 1995), pp.50-67.
- “Asian Pacific Security and the Taiwan Issue after the Cold War,” Chinese Social Science Quarterly,《中国社会科学季刊》, no.10 (Spring 1995), pp.23-38.
- “China’s Security Agenda after the Cold War,” Pacific Review, vol.8, no.1 (1995), pp.117-135.
- [Book] Strategic Views from the Second Tier: Nuclear Weapons Policies of France, Britain and China (eds. with John C. Hopkins), New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Transaction Publishers, 1995, 279 pp. ISBN-10: 1560007907; ISBN-13: 978-1560007906.
- “China’s Nuclear Export Controls: Policy and Regulations,” Nonproliferation Review, Winter 1994, pp.3-9.
- “China’s Security Strategy in a Changing World,” Pacific Focus, vol.III, no.1 (Spring 1993), pp.113-134
Professor HU was educated at Peking University in China (B.Law in International Politics), the Johns Hopkins University SAIS (M.A. in International Relations) and University of Maryland, College Park (Ph.D. in Political Science) in the USA. He was John M. Olin Fellow at Harvard University in 1991-92 and IGCC Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California, San Diego in 1992-93. He taught and held research position at UC San Diego, Monterey Institute of International Studies, and University of Detroit before joining the faculty of University of Hong Kong in 1997. He has taught over 20 years at University of Hong Kong, where he was Professor of Political Science, Head of Department of Politics and Public Administration, a member of the Senate, and Vice-Chairman of the University Committee on Discontinuation. He held visiting positions at the University of Georgia, the Brookings Institution, Uppsala University, and National University of Singapore. His teaching and research interests focus on international political economy, China and East Asia, China’s foreign relations, and governance and public policy in Hong Kong, Macau, and Greater China. He was President of Hong Kong Political Science Association (HKPSA) from 2012 to 2014. He served in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Panel of the Hong Kong SAR Government Central Policy Unit from 2009 to 2012. Currently he is a Counsellor of the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), and President of the Hong Kong Association of Overseas-Returned Scholars (HKAORS).