Journal Editorships and Editorial Boards.
- Discourse Context Media. Former Editor in Chief. (2018 -2022). (Elsevier) SSCI, SJR.
Honorary Editorial Board Member
- Discourse, Context and Media
Editorial Board Membership
- Qualitative Research (SSCI.)
- International and Intercultural Communication (ESSCI, Taylor and Francis)
- Journal of Critical Gambling Studies (Alberta University Press)
- Journal of Modern Languages and Linguistics (Universiti Malaya)
+853 8822 4022
Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)
University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade,Taipa, Macao
Room: Humanities & Social Sciences Building (E21), 4032
Associate Dean (Research)
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. (University of Wales, Bangor, UK)
Pg Dip Research Methods. (University of Wales, Bangor, UK)
BA (Hons) Sociology. (University College of North Wales, Bangor, UK)
Research Interests
Membership Categorisation Analysis
Conversation Analysis
Media Discourse Analysis
Peer Reviewed Research Publications
- Housley, W, Edwards, A, Roser, B, Fitzgerald, R. (2023) (Eds). Handbook of Digital Society. Sage.
- Smith, R, Fitzgerald, R. Housley, W. (2021) (Eds) On Sacks. Methods, Materials and Inspirations. Routledge/Taylor Francis (‘A’ ranked publisher)
- Burger, M., Thornborrow, J., Fitzgerald, R. (2017) Discours des réseaux sociaux: enjeux publics, politiques et médiatiques. [Discourses of Social Media: public, political and media issues.] De Boeck Superieiur, Belgium.
- Fitzgerald, R. Housley, W. (Eds.) (2015) Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. London Sage. (‘A’ ranked publisher)
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. (Eds.) (2009) Media, Policy and Interaction. Routledge. (‘A’ ranked publisher)
Journal Special Issue Editor
- Discourse, Context and Media. (2022) Chinese Social Media: Technology, Culture and Creativity. Fitzgerald, R., Sandel, T., WU, X. (SSCI, Scopus Q1)
- Journal of Pragmatics (2017) Membership Categorisation Analysis: Technologies of Social Action. Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W., Rintel, S. Vol 118 (SSCI, Scopus Q1)
- Discourse, Context, Media. (2016) Special issue on Media Talk. Ewart, J., Ames, K., Fitzgerald, R. (SSCI, Scopus Q1)
- Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology (2013) Special issue: Motives and Social Organisation. Invited Guest Editor.
- Australian Journal of Communication. (2013). 40 (2). Knowledge and Asymmetries in Action: Rintel, S., Reynolds, E., Fitzgerald, R.
- Australian Journal of Communication. (2009). 36 (3). Branching out. Ethnomethodological approaches to communication. C. W Butler, R. Fitzgerald and R. Gardner
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Xiao, L., Fitzgerald, R., Sandel, T., Kim, Y., Abi-Samara, R., Moutinho, R. (2024). On algorithmic time and daily contingencies in the gig economy: The lived work of the food delivery service. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). (SCI)
- Wu, X., Fitzgerald, R. (2024) The Discourse of User Engagement with Cross-posted Broadcast Interviews in Chinese Social Media. Journalism. (SSCI)
- Kim, Y., Fitzgerald, R. Occasioned Semantics and Membership Categorisation Analysis: Fields of Meaning, Categorial Consistency and Omni-Relevance. Journal of Pragmatics (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2024). Drafting the Simplest Systematics. Human Studies. (SSCI)
- Wu, X., Fitzgerald, R. Multimodal and Interactive Subtitling in Chinese Social Media. In Xiaoping Wu, Li Pan (Eds). Multimodality in Translation Studies. Routledge.
- Wu, X., Fitzgerald R. (2023) Internet memes and the mobilization of a “One-China” cyber nationalist campaign: the case of the 2016 Diba Expedition to Taiwan. Social Semiotics (SSCI)
- Housley, W, Edwards, A, Benieto-Montagut, R Theorizing Digital Society (2023) Housley, W, Edwards, A, Roser, B, Fitzgerald, R. (Eds). Handbook of Digital Society. Sage
- Edwards, A, Housley, W, Benieto-Montagut, R (2023) Digital Society and Smart Cities (Housley, W, Edwards, A, Roser, B, Fitzgerald, R. (Eds). Handbook of Digital Society. Sage.
- Au-Yeung, T, Fitzgerald, R (2022) Time and multimodality in ethnomethodological and conversation analysis studies of practical activity. Sociological Review. (SSCI)
- Au-Yeung, T., Fitzgerald, R. (2022). Multi-layered gestalt in real-time interaction. Special Issue Philosophical Psychology and Praxeological Gestalts. Social Psychology and Sociology in dialogue with the Philosophers of Gestalt Psychology. Philosophia Scientiae. (Scopus)
- Fitzgerald, R., Sandel, T., & Wu, X. (2022). Chinese social media: Technology, culture and creativity. Discourse, Context & Media, 48, 100610. (SSCI)
- Rautajoki, H, Fitzgerald, R. (2022) Populating ‘Solidarity’ in Political Debate. Interrelational Strategies of Persuasion within the European Parliament in the Aftermath of the Brexit. Journal of Language and Politics (SSCI)
- Talib, N, Fitzgerald, R. (2022) The Art of Illusion as Government Policy. Analysing Political Economies of Surrealism. Critical Discourse Studies (SSCI)
- Wu, X., Fitzgerald R. (2021) Reaching for the stars: DingTalk and the Multi-platform creativity of a ‘one-star’ campaign on Chinese social media. Discourse, Context and Media Vol 44 100540. (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2021) Sacks: On Omni-relevance and the Layered Texture of Interaction. In R. Smith, R, Fitzgerald, W, Housley. On Sacks: Methodology, Materials and Inspirations. Routledge. pp 88-100.
- Smith, R., Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W. (2021) On Sacks: Methodology, Materials and Inspirations. In R. Smith, R, Fitzgerald, W, Housley. On Sacks: Methodology, Materials and Inspirations. Routledge. pp 1-11.
- Wu, X., Fitzgerald, R. (2021) Hidden in Plain Sight. Expressing Criticism on Chinese Social Media. Discourse Studies Vol 23(3) 365-385. (SSCI)
- Walz, L., Fitzgerald, R. (2020) A Stranger in a Foreign Land: Identity Transition in Blogs about Transnational Relocation. Discourse, Context and Media. Vol 36 100413. (SSCI)
- Ting, C., Fitzgerald, R. (2020). The Work to Make an Experiment Work. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Vol 23 (3) 329-345 (SSCI)
- Burger, M., Fitzgerald R. (2019) Good Professional Reasons for Bad Journalism Practice: Inventing audience contributions in a live TV debate. Journalism Practice. Vol 13. 10. 1185-1199. (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R., & Au-Yeung, S. H. (2019). Membership Categorisation Analysis. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, M.A. Hardy, & M. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations.
- Ju, B., Sandel, T., Fitzgerald R. (2019) Understanding Chinese Internet and Social Media. The innovative and Creative Affordances of Technology, Language and Culture. In Marcel Burger (Ed) SE METTRE EN SCÈNE EN LIGNE La communication digitale, vol. 2 p161-178
- Fitzgerald, R. (2019) The Data and Methodology of Harvey Sacks: Lessons from the archive. Journal of Pragmatics. Vol. 143 p205-214 (SSCI)
- Eriksson, G. Fitzgerald, R. (2019) Web-TV as a backstage activity: Emerging forms of audience address in the post-broadcast era. Text and Talk. Vol 39 (1) 47-75. (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R. Evans, B. (2019) Entering the liminal zone: Generating news with occasioned objects in live TV news reporting. Journalism Studies. Vol 20(8) p1130-1148. (SSCI)
- Talib, N., Fitzgerald, R. (2018) Putting philosophy back to work in Critical Discourse Analysis. Critical Discourse Studies Vol 15 123 139. (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W., Rintel, S. (2017). Membership Categorisation Analysis: Technologies of Social Action. Journal of Pragmatics, Vol 118. 51- 55 (SSCI, Q1. Scopus Rank Q1)
- Evans, B., Fitzgerald, R. (2017) Category and Sequence as Embodied Action: Basketball Coaching. Journal of Pragmatics. Vol 118. 81-98 (SSCI, Q1, Scopus Rank Q1)
- Burger, M., Thornborrow, J., Fitzgerald, R. Analyzing New Media and Social Media as Interactive Spaces. (2017) In Burger, Thornborrow and Fitzgerald, (Eds) Discours des réseaux sociaux: enjeux publics, politiques et médiatiques. [Social media discourse: public, political and media issues.] De Boeck Superieiur, Switzerland. 25-37
- Burger, M., Fitzgerald R. Bad Practice for Good Reasons: When a journalist invents a member of the public in a live TV debate. [In French] (2017) In Burger, Thornborrow and Fitzgerald, (Eds) Discours des réseaux sociaux : enjeux publics, politiques et médiatiques. [Social media discourse: public, political and media issues.] De Boeck Superieiur, Switzerland. 237-258
- Fitzgerald, R. Thornborrow, J (2017). ‘I’m a Scouser’: Membership Categories and Political Geography in the 2015 UK Election Call Phone-in. Journal of Language and Politics. 16.1. 40-58 (SSCI, Scopus rank Q2)
- Evans, B., Fitzgerald R. (2017) ‘You Gotta See Both at the Same Time’: Visually Analyzing Player Performances in Basketball Coaching. Human Studies. Vol 40 (1) 121- 144. (SSCI, Scopus Rank Q2)
- Breit, R., Fitzgerald, R., Liu, S., & Neal, R. (2017). How Queensland newspapers reported public sector information reform. Media International Australia, 162(1), 90-106. (SSCI, Scopus Rank Q2)
- Talib, N., Fitzgerald, R. (2016) Micro-Meso-Macro Movements. A multi-level critical discourse analysis framework to examine metaphors and the value of truth in policy texts. Critical Discourse Studies. Vol 13 (5) 531-547 (Scopus Rank, Q1) (SSCI)
- Angus, D., Fitzgerald, R., Atay, C., Wiles, J. (2016) Using visual text analytics to examine broadcast interviewing. Discourse Context Media. Vol 11, 2016, 38-49. (SSCI, Scopus Rank Q1)
- Rintel, S., Angus, D., Fitzgerald, R. (2016) Ripples of mediatization: Social media and the exposure of the pool interview. Discourse, Context, Media. Vol 11, 2016, 50-64. (SSCI, Scopus Rank Q1)
- Evans, B., Fitzgerald, R. (2016) ‘It’s training man’! Membership categorisation and the institutional moral order of basketball training. Australian Journal of Linguistics. Invited Special Issue. Vol 36, (2) 205-223. (SSCI, Scopus Rank Q2)
- Fitzgerald, R., and Rintel, S. (2015). Reorienting categories as a members’ phenomena. In Tileaga, C, and Stokoe, L. Discursive psychology: classic and contemporary issues. Routledge. (Publisher A Ranked)
- Talib, N., Fitzgerald, R. (2015) Inequality as Meritocracy; The use of the metaphor of diversity and the value of inequality within Singapore’s meritocratic education system. Critical Discourse Studies. 12(4). 445-462. (Scopus Rank, Q1) (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2015) Membership Categorisation Analysis. Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. (International Communication Association CA) Wiley. (A Ranked publisher)
- Housley, W., Fitzgerald, R. (2015). Introduction to Membership Categorisation Analysis. In Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. (Eds) Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. London Sage. (Publisher A Ranked)
- Reynolds, E., Fitzgerald, R. (2015) Challenging Normativity: re-appraising category, bound, tied and predicated features. In Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W. (Eds) Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. London Sage. (A Ranked Publisher)
- Fisk, K., Fitzgerald, R., Cokley, J. (2014) Controversial new sciences in the media: Content analysis of global reporting of nanotechnology during the last decade. Media International Australia. No 150. February. (Scopus Rank, Q2) (SSCI) Australian Research Council Ranked A)
- Ekström, M., & Fitzgerald, R. (2014). Groundhog Day: Extended repetitions in political news interviews. Journalism Studies, 15(1), 82-97. (Scopus Rank, Q1) (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R. Rintel, S. (2013) From lifeguard to bitch: The problem of promiscuous categories in story telling in a long-distance relationship. Special Issue of the Australian Journal of Communication. (40.3) (Australian Research Council Rank B)
- Thornborrow, J, Fitzgerald, R. (2013) ‘Grab a pen and paper’: Interaction v. interactivity in a political radio phone in. Journal of Language and Politics 12(1) 1-28. (Scopus Rank, Q2) (SSCI)
- Breit, R, Obijiofor, L, Fitzgerald, R. (2013) Internationalization as De- Westernization of the Curriculum: The Case of Journalism at an Australian University. Special Issue on the Internationalisation of the Curriculum. Journal of Studies in International Education. 17(2) 119-135. (Scopus Rank, Q1) (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R (2012) Categories, norms and inferences: Generating entertainment in a daytime talk show. Discourse, Context and Media. Vol 1(4) p 151-159. (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R, McKay, S. (2012) Just like home: Remediation of the social in contemporary news broadcasting. Discourse, Context & Media. Vol 1 (1)P 1– 8. (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2012) Membership Categorisation Analysis. Wild and promiscuous or simply the joy of Sacks. Discourse Studies. 14 (3) P 305-311. (SSCI)
- Butler, C. W., Fitzgerald, R. (2011) “My f***ing personality”: swearing as slips and gaffes in live television broadcasts. Text & Talk. Vol 31 (5) P 525– 551. (SSCI)
- Butler, C. W. Fitzgerald, R. (2010) Operative Identities in a family meal.
- Pragmatics. Vol 42. (9) p2462-2474. (SSCI)
- Butler, C., Fitzgerald, R., Gardner, R. (2009) Branching out. Ethnomethodological Approaches to Communication Special Issue of Australian Journal of Communication. Vol 36 (3). (Scopus)
- Fitzgerald, R., Housley, W., Butler, C. (2009) Omni relevance in interactional context. Special Issue of Australian Journal of Communication. Vol 36 (3). (Scopus)
- Gardner, R, Fitzgerald, R, Mushin, I. (2009) Turn-Taking as foundational social order. Special Issue of Australian Journal of Communication. Vol 36 (3) (Scopus)
- Housley, W., Fitzgerald, R. (2009) Media, Policy and Interaction. In (Eds) Fitzgerald and Housley. Media, Policy and Interaction. Ashgate.
- Fitzgerald, R. Housley, W. (2009) Introduction. Media, Policy and Interaction. In (Eds) Fitzgerald and Housley. Media, Policy and Interaction. Ashgate.
- Housley, W., Fitzgerald, R (2009) Membership Category Analysis, Culture and Norms in Action. Discourse and Society. 20 (3) 345 -362. (SSCI)
- Housley, W., Fitzgerald. R. (2009) Beyond the discursive: the case of social organisation. A reply to Edwards, Hepburn and Potter. Qualitative Research. (Vol. 9 (1) 129 – 133(SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R., Austin H. (2008) Accusation, Mitigation and Resisting Guilt in Everyday Talk. The Open Communication Journal. Vol 2, 93-99.
- Housley, W, Fitzgerald R, (2008) Motives Accounts and Social Organisation.
Qualitative Research. ‘Response’ paper and reply. Vol. 8(2) 237-256. (SSCI) - Jaworski, A, Fitzgerald, R (2008) ‘This Poll Has Not Happened Yet’: Temporal Play in Election Predictions. Discourse and Communication. Vol. 2. (1) 5-27. (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R, Jaworski A. and Housley W. (2008) Generating News: Agenda Setting in Radio Broadcast News. In Marcel Burger (Ed.), L’analyse linguistique des discours des médias : théories, méthodes et enjeux Entre sciences du langage et sciences de la communication et des médias, Québec, Nota Bene.
- Housley, W., Fitzgerald, R. (2007) Categorisation, Interaction, Policy and Debate. Critical Discourse Studies. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 187–206 (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R. (2007) An Initial Investigation into the Role of Talkback in Hong Kong and Singapore. Media International Australia. no 124 pp 87-96. (Scopus)
- Austin, H, Fitzgerald R. (2007) Resisting Categorisation. An Ordinary Mother. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 30 (3): pp 36.1–36.13. (Scopus)
- Fitzgerald R, Housley, W, (2007) Talkback Community and the Public Sphere. Media International Australia incorporating Cultural Policy. No 122, pp 150-163. (Scopus)
- Fitzgerald, R. and Housley, W (2006) Category, Motive and Accounts: Devolution in Wales. In John Wilson and Karen Stapleton Devolution and Identity. Ashgate. Pp 111-126
- Fitzgerald, R. The language of Radio (2006) Oxford Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
- Jaworski, A, Fitzgerald, R. Constantinou, O. (2005) Busy Saying Nothing New: Live Silence in TV Reporting of 9/11. Multilingua 24 121-144. (SSCI)
- Thornborrow, J, Fitzgerald, R. (2004) Storying the Event. Communication Review 7/4345-352. (Scopus)
- Jaworski, A Fitzgerald, R. Morris, D (2004) Radio leaks: Presenting and contesting leaks in radio news broadcasts. Journalism, Theory and Practice 5/2: 183-202. (SSCI)
- Jaworski, A, Fitzgerald, R. Morris, D., Galasinski, D. (2003) Beyond Recency: The Discourse of the Future in BBC Radio News. Journal of Belgian English Language and Literatures. 1:61-72
- Housley W, Fitzgerald, R. (2003) Moral Discrepancy and Political Discourse: Accountability and the Allocation of Blame in a Political News Interview. Sociological Research Online. Vol. 8 no 2.
- Jaworski, A, Fitzgerald, R. Morris, D (2003) Certainty and Speculation in Broadcast News Reporting of the Future: The Execution of Timothy McVeigh. Discourse Studies. 5(1). 33-49. (SSCI)
- Fitzgerald, R. Housley. W (2002) Identity, categorisation and sequential organisation: the sequential and categorial flow of identity in a radio phone-in. Discourse and Society 13(5): 579-602. (SSCI)
- Housley. W, Fitzgerald, R. (2002) National Identity, Categorisation and Debate. In S. Hester, and W. Housley. (eds.) Language, Interaction and National Identity. Ashgate Press.
- Thornborrow. J, Fitzgerald, R. (2002) From problematic object to routine ‘add-on’: dealing with e-mails in radio phone-ins. Discourse Studies 4(2) 201- 224. (SSCI)
- Housley, W, Fitzgerald, R. (2002) A Reconsidered model of Membership Categorisation Analysis. Qualitative Research 2(1) 59-84. (SSCI)
- Housley. W., Fitzgerald, R. (2001) Categorisation, Narrative and Devolution in Wales. Sociological Research Online. 6.
- Housley, W., Fitzgerald, R., (2001) Conversation analysis, practitioner based research, reflexivity and reflective practice: Some exploratory remarks. Ethnographic Studies. 5/2000: 27-41
- Stephen Hester, Richard Fitzgerald, (1999), Category, predicate and contrast: Some organizational features in a radio talk show, In Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches (Paul L. Jalbert, ed.), Lanham, NY; Oxford, University Press of America, pp. 171–194.