Member of AEJMC, IAMCR, ITS, CCS and CCA.
+853 8822 8966
Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)
University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade,Taipa, Macao
Humanities & Social Sciences Building (E21), 2062
Consultation Hours
Personal Website
Lisa Xiaoqin, LI 李小勤
Assistant Professor
Administrative Roles
Programme Coordinator of Master of Arts in Communication (Communication and New Media)
Chair, MA Steering Committee
Member, Departmental Executive Committee
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. in Mass Communication (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong)
Master of Economics (Jinan University, Guangzhou)
Bachelor of Economics (Renmin University of China, Beijing)
Research Interests
Media effects, political communication and science communication
New media and social network studies in Greater China
Teaching Areas
Political Communication
Research Methods
Media and Society
China Media Studies
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
徐敏,李小勤 (2021)。<文化融合視域下中國傳統文化節目的網生代用戶群體研究——基於階梯模型的實證分析>,《傳媒經濟與管理研究》,縂第6輯。(CSSCI來源集刊)
Xiaoqin Li, Xiaojing Gong & Runrun Mou (2021). Pioneering the media convergence: lifestyle media production in the digital age in China. Journal of Media Business Studies, 18 (4) 304-320. doi: 10.1080/16522354.2020.1853467.
Xiaoqin Li (2020). Are all “friends” beneficial? The use of Facebook and WeChat and the social capital of college students in Macau. SAGE Open, October-December 2020, 1-9. doi: 10.1177/2158244020963614 (SSCI).
李小勤 (2019)。<小而美?注意力經濟視角下的傳媒盈利新模式初探:以廣州為例> 。香港中文大學:《傳播與社會學刊》,49,43-73(TSSCI,國際傳播學會ICA附屬期刊)Li, X. (2019). Small is beautiful? An exploration of viable business model of media organizations under the lens of attention economy: The case of Guangzhou. Communication & Society, 49, 43–73. (TSSCI, Affiliated journal of ICA).
陳懷林,李小勤 (2017)。<新媒體衝擊波下的澳門立法會選舉:數據與分析>。《澳門研究》,第4期,頁25-33。Chen, Huailin, & Li, Xiaoqin (2017). Macau Legislative Election under the impact of new media: Data and analysis. Journal of Macau Studies, 4, pp.25-33. (ISSN0872-8526).
Jun Li & Xiaoqin Li (2017): Media as a core political resource: the young feminist movements in China. Chinese Journal of Communication, 10 (1), pp.54-71. DOI: 10.1080/17544750.2016.1274265 (SSCI).
李小勤, 郭中實(2013)。《都市受眾的傳媒使用與傳媒功能認知:以廣州為個案》。香港中文大學:《傳播與社會學刊》,第26期,頁75-100 (TSSCI,ICA附屬期刊)。Li, X. Q, & Guo, S. (2013). Media use and perceived media functions of metropolitan audiences: The case of Guangzhou. Communication & Society, 26, 75–100. (In Chinese). (TSSCI).
Guo, Z., & Li, L. (2011). Perceptions of media functions and processing of news: analysis of audience in a Chinese metropolis. Asian Journal of Communication 21(1): 47 – 68. (SSCI)
李小勤(2011)。<澳門華文傳媒資訊功能與監督角色初探>。《澳門研究》,第二期,頁128-133。Li, Xiaoqin (2011). A preliminary study on the surveillance function of Chinese media in Macau. Macau: Journal of Macau Studies, 2, 128-133.
李小勤(2007)。<傳媒越軌的替代性分析框架:以《南方週末》為例>。香港中文大學:《傳播與社會學刊》,第2期,頁133-160。Li, Xiaoqin (2007). Alternative Analytical Framework of Media Deviance. Hong Kong: Communication & Society, 2, 133-160 (In Chinese).
李小勤 (1999)。《市場調查的理論與實務》。中國廣州:暨南大學出版社。Li, Xiaoqin (1999). Applied Marketing Research. Guangzhou: Jinan University Press.
李小勤 (1998)。《廣告倫理:面對難以躲避的誘導》。中國濟南:山東教育出版社。Li, Xiaoqin (1998). Facing the Unavoidable Inducements: Advertising Ethics. Jinan: Shandong Educational Press.
Book Chapters
Xiaoqin Li, Yanyue Chen, & Xiaojing Gong (2017). MOOCs in China: A Review of Literature, 2012-2016. In Ma, W.K.W., Chan, C.K.A., Tong, K.-w., Fung, H., Fong, C.W.R. (Eds.). New Ecology for Education – Communication X Learning (pp.21-32). Springer. (ISBN: 978-981-10-4345-1).
Li Xiaoqin (2013). A preliminary study on the surveillance function of Chinese media in Macau. In Selected Works of Social Sciences and Humanities of Macau (2008-2011) (pp. 1271-2178).Foundations of Macau & Social Sciences Academic Press (China). (In Chinese) (ISBN978-99937-1-112-4)
Li Xiaoqin (2012). An analysis of Chinese media performance in Macau: Their present situation and the future. In Hao, Y., & Wu, Z. (eds). Blue Book of Macau: Annual Report on Economy and Society of Macau (2011-2012) (pp. 242-252). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China). (In Chinese) (ISBN 978-7-5097-3212-0)
Li Xiaoqin (First author) (2010). Effective public communication: The management of public affairs in Macau. In Public Management in the 21st Century. (pp.428-432). (In Chinese). Shanghai: Hibooks. (ISBN978-7-5432-1838-3)
Li Xiaoqin (First author) (2009). Effective Public Communication by the Government: Media Effects on Political Trust in Macau. (In Chinese). (ISBN978-999937-58-79-2).
Cheong, A., Wu, M. & Li, X. (2008). Internet in Macao. World Internet Project: International Report 2009. CA: Center for Digital Future, University of Southern California.
Conference Proceedings
Li Xiaoqin, Lisa; Gong, Xiaojing (2018) : Small or Smart? An Exploration of Viable Business Model of Media Organizations under the Lens of Attention Economy: The Case of China, 29th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS): “Towards a digital future: Turning technology into markets?”, Trento, Italy, 1st – 4th August 2018, International Telecommunications Society (ITS), Trento. EconStor:
LI Xiaoqin (27-29 Oct. 2017). Are all “friends” beneficial?: The use of Facebook, WeChat and social capital of college students in Macau. Proceedings of The 10th International Forum of PRAD & the 2nd Annual Conference of PRSC & the 4th Strategic Communication and Public Relations Workshops, pp.202-214.
Li Xiaoqin, Lisa & Gong Xiaojing, Yvonne (2-6 Dec.2016). Reading together, profit together? A case study of media convergence at Bingodu. 1st PRSC & 9th PRAD Conference Proceedings, pp98-100. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
李小勤, 牟潤潤, 貢曉靜(2015年11月6-8日)。小的是美的:《城市畫報》的新媒體融合之路。《2015中國傳播學論壇“傳媒業變革與傳播學創新”論文要覽》,p.52, 中國重慶:重慶大學。Li, Xiaqin, Mou Runrun, & Gong Xiaojing. (2015). Small is Beautiful: Media Convergence of a Lifestyle Magazine Cityzine. In Proceedings of Chinese Communication Forum 2015. (In Chinese).
Li, Xiaoqin (2014). Since 1984: The Emergence of Journalistic Professionalism of Southern Weekend. www. (online)
Li, Xiaoqin (2012). Southern Weekend: The budding of press freedom and journalistic professionalism. Proceedings of The 3rd Conference on Intellectuals and the Press in Republican China: Journalistic Professionalism in China – Historical Path and Reality Construction. pp.44-58. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Li, Xiaoqin & Guo Zhongshi (2009). Perceptions of Media Functions and Processing of News: Analysis of Audience in a Chinese (online)
李小勤 (2006年8月)。<中国传媒对“他者”的再现:《南方周末》的农民(工)报道之内容分析,1984-2002年>。中国新闻教育学会传播学分会、国际中华传播学会、复旦大学信息与传播研究中心、复旦大学新闻学院、深圳大学传媒与文化发展研究中心:《2006中国传播学论坛论文集(Ⅰ)2006年 》(大會最佳論文)。
Conference Papers
May 2022 (First Author). Underrepresentation and Biased Representation of Frontline Women Health Workers in Chinese Social Media. The Hybrid 72nd Annual ICA Conference, One World, One Network‽. Paris, France.
Oct 2019 (Co-Author). Community interaction and boundary spanning of Generation Z: From the perspective of cultural integration. (In Chinese) Outstanding Paper Award (Faculty), recognized by SJTU-ICA. 2019 the International New Media Forum Affiliated with ICA. “. Shanghai, China. 《文化融合視域下網生代的社群互動與邊界跨越》徐敏,李小勤。榮獲上海交通大學–國際傳播學會(ICA)2019新媒體國際論壇優秀論文獎(教師類),中國上海。
July 2019 Play niche: Lifestyle media production in the digital age in China. AEJMC World Journalism Education Congress. Paris-Dauphine University.
Aug. 2018 (First Author) Small or smart? An exploration of viable business model of media organizations under the lens of attention economy: The case of China. ITS 2018 Regional Conference in Trento, Italy.
Oct. 2017 Are all “friends” beneficial? :The use of Facebook, WeChat and social capital of college students in Macau. The 10th International Forum of PRAD and the 2nd Annual Conference of PRSC at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China.
June 2017 (First author) MOOCs in China: A Review of Literature, 2012-2016. HKAECT-AECT 2017 Summer International Research Symposium at The University of Hong Kong.
Dec. 2016 (First author) Reading together, profit together? A case study of media convergence at Bingodu. 1st PRSC & 9th PRAD Conference: Constructing Public Relations in the Chinese Context Reconceptualization and Refinements: From Journalism to Strategic Communication. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
July 2016 (Co-author) State Responsibility and “Public Order and Good Customs”: Young Feminists in the Age of Mixed Media. Annual IAMCR (The International Association for Media and Communication Research) Conference in Leicester, UK.
June 2016 (First author) Reading together, profit together? A case of media convergence in China. 2016 ITS Biennial Conference in Taiwan.
Nov. 2015 (First author) Small is Beautiful: Media Convergence of a Lifestyle Magazine Cityzine. Chinese Communication Forum 2015 in Chongqing, China
August 2014 Since 1984: The Emergence of Journalistic Professionalism of Southern Weekend. Annual AEJMC Conference in Montreal, Canada.
June 2013 (First author) Community, Conflict and Coverage: How do Hong Kong and Macau Newspapers Present Conflict with Mainland China? IAMCR Annual Conference in Dublin, Ireland.
July 2012 Co-author. Knowledge Gap and the Political Gap: Comparison the SES Model between Macau and Zhuhai. The Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society (CCS): Interdisciplinary and Transformation: Communication and Interaction in the Changing Era. Providence University: Taichung, Taiwan.
April 2012 Southern Weekend: The budding of press freedom and journalistic professionalism. The 3rd Conference on Intellectuals and the Press in Republican China: Journalistic Professionalism in China – Historical Path and Reality Construction. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Aug. 2011 (First author) Angel or Demon?: A Content Analysis on China’s National Images in China Daily and New York Times, 2008-2011. The 4th International Forum on PR and Advertising. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
June 2010 Cross Generation Knowledge Gap: the SES Model of Macau. 2010 Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA). Singapore.
June. 2010 (Co-author) Effective Government Communication: Examining Perceived Communication Effectiveness and Public Trust in the Macao Government. 2010 Annual Conference of International Communication Association (ICA). Singapore.
Aug. 2009 (First author) Perceptions of Media Functions and Processing of News: Analysis of Audience in a Chinese Metropolitan. AEJMC Annual Convention in Boston, MA, USA.
June. 2009 (First author) Audience Consumption Patterns in Post-Deng China: Perceptions of Media Functions and Processing of News. “Beyond East and West: Two decades of media transformation after the fall of communism”, Central European University. Budapest, Hungary.
Apr. 2009 (In Chinese) Effective Public Communication by the Government: Media Effects on Political Trust in Macao. International Conference ” Rising Macao: Review and Prospects on the Tenth Anniversary of Macao SAR “.
Oct. 2008 (First author) Effective Public Communication by the Government: Managing Public Issues in Macao. 3rd International Conference on“Public Management in 21st century: Opportunities and Challenges”, Macau
Aug. 2006 (Top Faculty Paper) The representation of the Other: A content analysis of Southern Weekend’s reporting on peasants and migrant Workers, 1984-2002 (In Chinese). 2006 China Communication Forum. Shenzhen, PRC.
July 2006 Media deviance in China: The case of Southern Weekend. 2006 IAMCR Conference, Cairo, Egypt.
Sept. 2003 (Coauthor) Tyranny of the minority: Analyzing the expression of unpopular opinion in support of legislation against subversion in Hong Kong. Annual meeting of Wapor, Prague, CZ.
July 2003 Alternative framework of media deviance (In Chinese). Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society (CCS), Taiwan.
Mar. 2003 The taming of the shrew: An alternative perspective to resource-power model of China’s media. Annual Conference of European Communication Congress (ECA), Munich, GE.
June 2002(Coauthor)First come out is a rotten egg: A dynamic typography of China’s media content in the reform era. Hawaii international conference on social sciences, Hawaii, US.
May 2002 Balancing the interests of audiences and advertisers in media markets in Mainland China: A Case Study of Southern Weekend, Conference in ‘Marketing communication strategies in a changing global environment’, Hong Kong
2019 (Co-Author). Outstanding Paper Award (Faculty), recognized by SJTU-ICA. 2019 the International New Media Forum Affiliated with ICA. “Community interaction and boundary spanning of Generation Z: From the perspective of cultural integration (In Chinese). Shanghai, China. 《文化融合視域下網生代的社群互動與邊界跨越》徐敏,李小勤。榮獲上海交通大學–國際傳播學會(ICA)2019新媒體國際論壇優秀論文獎(教師類),中國上海,2019年10月26日。
2019 Third Place Faculty Paper (Tie) by AEJMC & WJEC. “ Play Niche: Lifestyle media production in the digital age in China” in a Special Research Competition sponsored by AEJMC at the Fifth World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC),Paris, France July 2019
2006 Top Faculty Paper of China Forum on Mass Communication, Shenzhen, China,Aug. 2006. 李小勤 (2006年8月)。<中国传媒对“他者”的再现:《南方周末》的农民(工)报道之内容分析,1984-2002年>。中国新闻教育学会传播学分会、国际中华传播学会、复旦大学信息与传播研究中心、复旦大学新闻学院、深圳大学传媒与文化发展研究中心:2006中国传播学论坛優秀論文獎。