
Jun XU (徐峻)
7 月 22 | 週一

xujun@um.edu.mo +853 8822 8319 Rm.3010, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21) Department o ...

Donghui WANG (王東暉)
7 月 10 | 週三

donghuiwang@um.edu.mo +853 8822 9047 Rm.3007, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21) Depart ...

蔡天驥教授: 運用數據提升公共服務
12 月 31 | 週日

公共部門每日運作均收集和產生大量數據。澳門大學社會科學學院副院長、社會學系主任蔡天驥教授說,這些公共部門所掌握的數據以往大多僅供存檔,如今則可通過科技轉化為透視社會的洞見,有助提升公共服務和推動更深 ...

Juan CHEN (陳娟)
8 月 22 | 週二

juanchen@um.edu.mo +853 8822 8843 Rm.3008, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21) Departmen ...

Ze HONG (洪澤)
8 月 07 | 週一

zehong@um.edu.mo +853 8822 8314 Rm.3025, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21) Department ...

FSS-DSOC Seminar : “Structure-mechanism Explanation and the Evolving Relationship Between Structures and Mechanisms after the Big-Bang ”
4 月 14 | 週五

FSS-DSCO Seminar : “Structure-mechanism Explanation and the Evolving Relationship Between Structure ...

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