Monthly Archives: 11 月 2021

首頁/2021/11 月
11 月 17 | 週三

澳門大學社會科學學院經濟學系助理教授林微微和其他學者所撰寫的環境經濟論文獲國際能源頂級期刊《Nature Energy》刊登。《Nature Energy》是一本專注於發表能源領域最佳研究成果的學術 ...

Guest Lecturer: An experiment in collective action through the creative use of Chinese memes as part of a mobilised nationalist campaign
11 月 25 | 週四

FSS_DCOM Guest Lecturer: An experiment in collective action through the creative use of Chinese mem ...

Guest Lecture –Smoke and Mirrors: How Domestic Regime Concerns Made Strategic Stability Meaningless and Why It Still Matters
11 月 23 | 週二

Smoke and Mirrors: How Domestic Regime Concerns Made Strategic Stability Meaningless and Why It Sti ...

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