

社會科學學院俄羅斯中心舉辦講座 |“走向俄羅斯的深處——民族誌方法與在俄田野調查經驗談”

澳大社會科學學院俄羅斯中心早前邀請到來自中國社會科學院俄羅斯東歐中亞研究所副研究員馬強博士,進行了題為《走向俄羅斯的深處——民族誌方法與在俄田野調查經驗談》講座。 馬博士以「走向深處」為線索,從空間 ...


The Russian Centre was established in March 2015 and witnessed the successful cooperation between the University of Macau and the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

The Russian Centre aims to study Russia as a nation, including its politics, economy, history, culture, language and etc. The Centre also provides a platform for UM faculty and students to learn more about Russia, and help increase collaboration and cultural exchange between China and Russia.

In the past few years, the Centre has held dozens of activities, including academic lectures, photo exhibitions commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, receptions, and sharing of Soviet classic films.

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