

社會科學學院俄羅斯中心舉辦講座 “從俄羅斯歷史探究俄羅斯人性格的成因”

澳大社會科學學院俄羅斯中心日前邀請來自哈爾濱工業大學外國語學院俄語系的童丹教授,進行題為“從俄羅斯歷史探究俄羅斯人性格的成因”的講座。 在歷時一個多小時的演講中,童丹教授通過對俄羅斯重大歷史事件和人物 ...

俄羅斯中心講座: 從俄羅斯歷史探究俄羅斯人性格的成因

俄羅斯中心講座: 從俄羅斯歷史探究俄羅斯人性格的成因 講者: 童丹教授, 哈爾濱工業大學外國語學院俄語系教授、碩士生導師、系主任 日期:二零二三年十一月九日 (三) 時間:10:30 語言: 普通話 ...


The Russian Centre was established in March 2015 and witnessed the successful cooperation between the University of Macau and the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

The Russian Centre aims to study Russia as a nation, including its politics, economy, history, culture, language and etc. The Centre also provides a platform for UM faculty and students to learn more about Russia, and help increase collaboration and cultural exchange between China and Russia.

In the past few years, the Centre has held dozens of activities, including academic lectures, photo exhibitions commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, receptions, and sharing of Soviet classic films.

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