+853 8822 8389
Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)
University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macao
Humanities & Social Sciences Building (E21B), 3048
Consultation Hours
Personal Website
TAO Yick Ku, Vivienne 涂憶劬
Assistant Professor
Academic Qualifications
PhD (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
MA (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
BSc (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Research Interests
Achievement Motivation
Child & Adolescent Development
Chinese Gambling
Teaching Areas
Biological Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Health Psychology
Psychology of Gambling
Sensation & Perception
Social Psychology
- Yang, H. M., Li, Y., Zhang, M. X., Tao, V. Y.K., Tong, K. K., & Wu, A. M. (2021). Locus of control, coping flexibility, and post-migration growth among mainland Chinese university students in Macao. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 85, 13-25. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2021.08.012
- Yang, H. M., Tong, K. K., Li, Y., Tao, V. Y. K., Zhang, M.X., & Wu, A. M. S. (2021). Testing the influence of social axioms on Internet gaming disorder tendency with a cross-lagged panel model: A one-year longitudinal study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-12. doi.org/10.1007/s11469-021-00532-z
- Tao, V. Y. K., Li, Y., Lam, K. H., Leung, C. W., *Sun, C. I., & Wu, A. M. S. (2021). From teachers’ implicit theories of intelligence to job stress: The mediating role of teachers’ causal attribution of students’ academic achievement. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51 (5), 522-523. doi.org/10.1111/jasp.12754
- Tao, V.Y.K., Li, Y. & Wu, A.M.S. (2021). Do not despise failures: students’ failure mindset, perception of parents’ failure mindset, and implicit theory of intelligence. European Journal of Psychology of Education. doi.org/10.1007/s10212-020-00524-y
- Li, Y., Tong, K. K., Tao, V. Y. K., Zhang, M. X., & Wu, A. M. S. (2020). Testing the associations among social axioms, school belonging, and flourishing in university students: A two‐year longitudinal study. Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being, 12(3), 749–769.
- Lao, H. C. F., Tao, V. Y. K., & Wu, A. M. S. (2016). Theory of planned behavior and healthy sleep of college students. Australian Journal of Psychology, 68, 20–28. Available at doi.org/10.1111/ajpy.12094/epdf
- Tao, V.Y.K. (2016). Understanding Chinese Students’ Achievement Patterns: Perspective from Social-Oriented Achievement Motivation. In R.B. King & A.B.I. Bernardo (Eds.), The Psychology of Asian Learners: A Festschrift in Honor of David Watkins (pp.621-634). Singapore: Springer Singapore. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-576-1_38
- Tao, V.Y.K., & Hong Y.Y. (2014). When Academic Achievement is an Obligation-Perspectives from Social-Oriented Achievement Motivation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(1), 110-136. doi.org/10.1177/0022022113490072
- Wu, A.M.S., Lai, M.H.C, Tong, K.K., & Tao, V. Y. K (2013). Chinese Attitudes, Norms, Behavioral Control and Gambling Involvement in Macao. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(4), 749-763. doi.org/10.1007/s10899-012-9344-7
- Wu, A.M.S., Tao, V. Y. K, Tong, K.K., & Cheung, S.F., & Tong, K.K. (2012). Psychometric evaluation of the inventory of Gambling Motives, Attitudes and Behaviours (GMAB) among Chinese gamblers. International Gambling Studies, 12, 331-347. doi.org/10.1080/14459795.2012.678273
- Tao, V. Y. K., Wu, A.M.S., Cheung, S.F., & Tong, K.K. (2011). Development of an Indigenous Inventory GMAB (Gambling Motives, Attitudes and Behaviors) for Chinese Gamblers: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Gambling Studies, 27, 99-113. doi.org/10.1007/s10899-010-9191-3
- Tao, V.Y.K., Iong, W.I., & Wu, A.M.S. (2008). Part-Time Employment and Sense of School Belonging among University Students in Macao. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 9, 67-84.
- Sin, P.C., Wu, A.M.S., & Tao, V.Y.K. (2008). Excessive Working and Gender in Macao. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 9, 7-26.
- Wong, W.K., Chan, K.M., Tai, P.K., & Tao, V.Y.K. (2008). Problem Gambling Among University Students in Macao. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 9, 47-66.
Selected conference presentation
Tao, V.Y.K., & Li, Y. (2018 July-August). The moderating role of authoritarian parenting style in the relationship between Chinese secondary students’ academic attribution and their perceived parents’ failure mindset. The 2018 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning – Summer Session. (ICEPL, 2018). Toyko, Japan.
Tao, V.Y.K. & Wu, A.M.S (2017 Nov). Are gambling motives and attitudes consistently associated with problem gambling in different populations in Macao? 1st Interdisciplinary Behavioral Health Conference: Opportunities and Challenges” Changsha, Hunan, China.
Tao, V.Y.K., & Lei, K.K. (2017 August). The effects of priming of mindsets for learning on attribution, motivation and performance. The 2017 International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Organizational Behavior. (ICEPO, 2017). Osaka, Japan.
Tao, V.Y.K., & Yip, C.Y. (2017 July). The mediating roles of implicit theories of intelligence and achievement goals adoptions in the relationship between perceived parenting styles and academic attributions among Chinese secondary students. International School Psychology Association, 39th Annual Conference (ISPA 2017). Manchester, UK.
Tao, V.Y.K., & Kwan, H.K. (2016 July). Procrastination: The roles of self-efficacy and perceived task characteristics. The 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016), Yokohama, Japan.
Tao, V.Y.K., Lam, K.H., Leung, C.W., & Sun, C.I. (2015 July) Impacts of attributional style and implicit theory of intelligence on job stress among teachers. Paper will be presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology, July 7-10, 2015, Milan, Italy.
Wu, A.M.S., Lai, M.H.C., Tong, K.K., & Tao, V.V.K. (2013 July). Applicaiton of the Theory of Planned Behavior on Gambling Involvement among Chinese people. The 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), Stockholm
Tao, V.Y.K., Tong, K.K.,& Wu, A.M.S. (2012, Nov). Locus of control and gambling behavior among Chinese gamblers. Paper presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on Gambling & Commercial Gaming Research, Nov 5-8, 2012, Macao.
Wu, A.M.S., Tao, V. Y. K, Tong, K.K., & Cheung, S.F., & Tong, K.K. (2012, Nov). Psychometric Properties of the revised Inventory of Gambling Motives, Attitudes and Behaviors (GMAB-R). Paper presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on Gambling & Commercial Gaming Research, Nov 5-8, 2012, Macao.
Tao, V.Y.K., Chan, M.P.K., & Wu, A.M.S. (2011, Jan). Attitude towards seeking online counseling help among Chinese adolescents. Paper presented at the International Conference on E-commerce, E-administration, E-society, E-education, and E-technology, Jan 18-20, 2011, Japan.
Tao, V.Y.K., Wu, A.M.S., Cheung, S.F., & Tong, K.K. (2010, July). Towards the development of an indigenous inventory to assess cognition and behavior of Chinese gamblers. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, July 19-21, 2010, Hong Kong.