+853 8822 8343
Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS)
University of Macau
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macao
Humanities & Social Sciences Building (E21B), 3040
Consultation Hours
Personal Website
Letty KWAN, Yan Yee 關欣儀
Assistant Professor
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D., Ph.D. (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
MPhil (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
BA (University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor)
Research Interests
Culture and Creativity
Norms and behaviors
Learning processes and learning outcomes
Teaching Areas
Kwan, L. Y. Y., Leung, A. K. Y, & Liou, S (2018). Special Issue Editor on Multicultural Experiences and Creativity, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Leung, A. K. Y, Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Liou, S (Eds.) (2018) Handbook of Culture and Creativity: Basic Processes and Applied Innovations. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780190455675
Creativity and Innovation
Chiu, C. Y., & Kwan, L. Y. Y. (in-press) National and Historical Variations in Innovation Performance: A Country Level Analysis. In Leung, A. K. Y, Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Liou, S (Eds.), Handbook of Culture and Creativity: Basic Processes and Applied Innovations. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190455675.003.0004
Kwan, L. Y. Y.,& Chiu, C. Y. (in-press) Cultural Diversity (Fractionalization) and Economic Complexity: Effects on Innovation Performance and Human Development. In Leung, A. K. Y, Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Liou, S (Eds.), Handbook of Culture and Creativity: Basic Processes and Applied Innovations. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190455675.003.0005
Leung, A. K. Y., Kwan, L. Y. Y. & Liou, S. (in-press) Introduction Frontier Research on Culture and Creativity: An Overview. In Leung, A. K. Y, Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Liou, S (Eds.), Handbook of Culture and Creativity: Basic Processes and Applied Innovations. New York: Oxford University Press. doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190455675.001.0001
Kwan, L. Y. Y. (2018). Institutional and Value Support for Cultural Pluralism Is Stronger in Innovative Societies with Demanding Climate. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(2), 323-335. doi.org/10.1177/0022022117746773
Kwan, L. Y. Y., Leung, A. K. Y., & Liou, S. (2018). Culture, Creativity, and Innovation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 49(2), 165–170. doi.org/10.1177/0022022117753306
Chiu, C. Y., Liou, S., & Kwan, L. Y. Y. (2016) Institutional and cultural contexts of creativity and innovation in China. In A. Lewin, M. Kenney., & J. Murmann (Ed.), China’s innovation challenge: Overcoming the middle-income trap (pp. 368-394). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781316422267.015
Liou, S., Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Chiu, C. Y. (2016) Historical and Cultural Obstacles to Frame-Breaking Innovations in China. Management and Organization Review, 12(1), 35-39. doi.org/10.1017/mor.2016.3
Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Chiu, C. Y. (2015). Country variations in different innovation outputs: The interactive effect of institutional support and human capital. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(7), 1050-1070. doi.org/10.1002/job.2017
Kwan, L., Y. Y., & Chiu, C. Y. (2015) Cross-national differences in eminent (Big-C) and profound innovation (Big-I): The role of institutions and innovation input. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Leung, A. K. Y., Kwan, L., Liou, S., Chiu, C. Y., Qiu, L., & Yong, J. C. (2013, June). The role of instrumental emotion regulation in the emotions-creativity link: How worries render neurotic individuals more creative. Emotion, 14(5), 846. doi.org/10.1037%2Fa0036965
Li, C., Kwan, L. Y. Y., Liou, S., & Chiu, C.Y. (2013). Culture, group processes, and creativity. In M. Yuki, & M. Brewer (Eds.), Culture and group processes, 143-165. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199985463.003.0007
Chiu, C. Y., Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Liou, S. (2013). Culturally motivated challenges to innovations in integrative research: Theory and solutions. Social Issues and Policy Review, 7(1), 149-172. doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-2409.2012.01046.x
Chiu, C. Y., & Kwan, L. Y. Y. (2010). Culture and creativity: A process model. Management and Organization Review, 6(3), 447-461. doi.org/10.1111/j.1740-8784.2010.00194.x
Cultural norm and decision process
Chiu, C. Y., & Kwan, L. Y. Y. (2016). Globalization and psychology. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8, 44-48. Kwan, L. Y. Y. (2016). Anger and perception of unfairness and harm: Cultural differences in normative processes that justify sanction assignment. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 19(1), 6-15. doi.org/10.1111/ajsp.12119
Chiu, C. Y., & Kwan, L. Y. Y. (2015). Coevolution of Market Integration and Fairness Norms. PsycCRITIQUES, 60(4). doi.org/10.1037/a0038587
Kwan, L. Y. Y., Yap, S., & Chiu, C. Y. (2015). Mere exposure affects perceived descriptive norms: Implications for personal preferences and trust. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 127, 48-58. doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2014.12.002
Kwan, L. Y. Y., Chiu, C. Y., & Leung, A. K. Y. (2014). Priming Bush (vs. Obama) increases liking of American brands: The role of intersubjectively important values. Social Influence, 9(3), 206-223. doi.org/10.1080/15534510.2013.811441
Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Hong, Y. Y. (2013). Culture, Group Processes, and Trust. In M. Yuki & M. Brewer (Eds.), Culture and Group Processes (pp. 93-117). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199985463.001.0001
Culture and decision processes
Kwan, L. Y.-Y., & Li, D. (2016). The exception effect: How shopping experiences with local status brands shapes reactions to culture-mixed products. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(10), 1373-1379. doi.org/10.1177/0022022116670262
Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Chiu, C. Y. (2014). Holistic Versus Analytic Thinking Explains Collective Culpability Attribution. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36(1), 3-8. doi.org/10.1080/01973533.2013.856790
Chiu, C. Y., Kwan, L. Y. Y., Li, D., Peng, L., & Peng, S. (2014). Culture and consumer behavior. Foundations and Trends in Marketing, 7(2), 109-179. ISBN: 978-1601988249
Chiu, C. Y. , Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Liou, S. (2013). Professional cultures. In A. B. Cohen (Ed.), Culture reexamined: Broadening our understanding of social and evolutionary influences (pp. 11-30). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. ISBN: 978-1-4338-1587-4
Wan, F., Kwan, L. Y. Y., Chattopadhyay, A., Fazel, H., & Chiu, C. Y. (2012). Compliments Made Me Bolder: The Role of Self Construal and Brand Status in Brand Attachment and Product Evaluation. In Z. Gürhan-Canli, C. Otnes, & R. Zhu, ACR North American Advances, 40, 970-971. Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research. Link
Tong, Y. Y., Hui, P. P., Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Peng, S. (2011). National feelings or rational dealings? The moderating role of procedural priming on perceptions of cross-border acquisitions. Journal of Social Issues, 67(4), 743-759. doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-4560.2011.01725.x
Yang, D. Y. J., Chiu, C. Y., Chen, X., Cheng, S. Y., Kwan, L. Y. Y., Tam, K. P., & Yeh, K. H. (2011). Lay psychology of globalization and its social impact. Journal of Social Issues, 67(4), 677-695. doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-4560.2011.01722.x
Masuda, T., Gonzalez, R., Kwan, L. Y. Y., & Nisbett, R. E. (2008). Culture and aesthetic preference: Comparing the attention to context of East Asians and Americans. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34(9), 1260-1275. doi.org/10.1177/0146167208320555
Chiu, C. Y., Leung, A. K. Y., & Kwan, L. Y. Y. (2007). Language, cognition, and culture: Beyond the Whorfian hypothesis. In S. Kitayama & D. Cohen (Eds.), The Handbook of cultural psychology, 668-688. New York, NY, US: Guilford Press. Link