
經濟學系講座: Finding All Stable Matchings with Assignment Constraints

講者: Philip Ruane NEARY教授, Lecturer, Department of Economics, Royal Holloway University of London

日期: 17/04/2024 (三)

時間:14:00 – 15:15

地點: E21B-G016

語言: 英語

內容: In this paper we consider stable matchings subject to assignment constraints. These are matchings that require certain assigned pairs to be included, insist that some other assigned pairs are not, and, importantly, are stable. Our main contribution is an algorithm that determines when assignment constraints are compatible with stability. Whenever there is a stable matching that satisfies the assignment constraints, our algorithm outputs all of them (each in polynomial time per solution). This provides market designers with (i) a tool to test the feasibility of stable matchings subject to assignment constraints, and (ii) a separate tool to implement them.