
社會科學學院經濟學系工作坊: FSS ECON Online Research Workshop in Relaxation Algorithm

講者: Prof. Timo Trimborn, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University

日期:5 & 7 Dec 2023 (星期二和星期四)

時間:15:30 – 17:00

語言: 英語

地點: Zoom Meeting

登記: https://qualtricsxmpj37n5z4k.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8e4CcuENqKya1Ku


It aims to demonstrate the recent development in quantitative methods in the field related to macroeconomics. In addition, it aims to broaden students’ horizons, enrich their academic knowledge and help them master computation software for quantitative analysis. The workshop will be relevant to current research theories and methods in fields related to dynamic macroeconomics, together with future research directions in applying relevant methods. The speaker will also talk about skills in using software to solve continuous-time models numerically.