
傳播系研討會: International Migration to China: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

講者: 劉楊教授, 副教授, 北京外國語大學

日期:2024年4月18日 (星期四)

時間:13:00 – 14:00

地點: E21B-G002

內容: With the influx of international migrants, China has been transformed from a traditional sending country of outbound migrants into an emerging destination in the landscape of international migration in the past forty years. Why do migrating individuals decide to come and live in China? How do they interpret their intercultural experiences in Chinese society? How should researchers theorize intercultural adaptation in the Chinese context? The inquiries mentioned above will be addressed in this lecture. Moreover, an interdisciplinary perspective of conducting intercultural communication research in the non-Western context will be illustrated and discussed based on the speaker’s research experiences.