
計算社會科學工作坊: Understanding Demographic Changes with Theory-Driven Computational Approach – The Case of Fertility Response to the Pandemic

講者: 范新光教授, 助理教授, 社會學系, 北京大學

日期:2024年4月18日 (星期四)

時間:12:30 – 14:00

地點: E2B-G016

語言: 英語

登記: https://forms.gle/Wbf2td5m13esBqtA8

內容: The COVID-19 pandemic has potential large-scale impacts on population dynamics. Yet, recent theories and empirical analyses fall short in fully articulating the extent and nature of the pandemic’s influence on birth rates at the aggregate level. This study advances the comprehension of fertility dynamics amid the pandemic by focusing on the reproductive process. Combining the computational approach and empirical analysis, the research dissects the nuances of fertility behavior in response to the pandemic. The findings illustrates the importance of taking the reproductive process into account to understand the fertility responses to disaster events and dramatic policy changes.