Rm.3003, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21)
Department of Sociology, University of Macau
Taipa, Macau SAR, China
Consultation Hours
15:00-16:00 Tuesday & 8:30-9:30 Friday, and by appointment
Personal Website
Spencer De LI 李德
Master Programme Coordinator in Criminology and Criminal Justice
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. in Sociology with specialization in Law and Crime, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA, 1996.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Maryland at College Park, USA, 1998-2001.
Research Interests
Child development
Substance abuse
Criminal psychology
Mixed methods research
- Wu, K., & Li, S.D.* (2023). Coercive parenting and juvenile delinquency in China: Assessing gender differences in the moderating effect of empathic concern. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-023-01742-5. (*Corresponding author)
- Li, S.D., Liu, T., & Xia, Y. (2022). A comparative study of parenting practices and juvenile delinquency between China and the United States. Deviant Behavior. DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2022.2081102.
- Liu, T., & Li, S.D.* (2022). From family to peer systems: Mixed-methods study of spillover mechanisms on juvenile delinquency in China. Crime & Delinquency. DOI: 10.1177/00111287221090957. (*Corresponding author)
- Li, S.D., Xiong, R., Liang, M., Zhang, X., & Tang, W. (2021). Pathways from family violence to adolescent violence: Examining the mediating mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.611006.
- Xiong, R., Xia, Y., & Li, S.D.* (2021). Perceived discrimination and aggression among Chinese migrant adolescents: A moderated mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.621270 (*Corresponding author)
- Li, S.D., & Liu, T. (2020). Correctional system’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and its implications for prison reform in China. Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2020.1824159.
- Li, S.D., Zhao, R., & Zhang, H. (2020). Examining the link between drug use disorders and crime among Chinese drug users receiving mandatory detoxification and treatment. Crime and Delinquency. DOI: 10.1177/0011128720939511.
- Li, D., Wang, H., Cai, T., & Kuo, S. (Eds.) (2020). Macao Social Survey. Taipei: Wu-Nan Book Inc. (李德、王紅宇、蔡天驥、郭世雅主編,2020。《澳門社會現狀調查》,五南圖書出版股份有限公司).
- Liu, T., Li, S.D.*, Xia, Y., & Zhang, X. (2020). The spillover mechanisms linking family conflicts and juvenile delinquency among Chinese adolescents. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 64(2-3), 167-186. (*Corresponding author)
- Li, S.D. & Liu, T. (2019). Problem-solving courts in China: Background, development and current status. Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2019.1595246.
- Li, S.D. et al. (2018). Parenting Style and Adolescent Development in China. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press. (李德 等,2018。《当代中国家庭教养方式与青少年发展》,社会科学文献出版社).
- Li, S.D. & Xia, Y.W. (2018). Understanding the link between discrimination and juvenile delinquency among Chinese migrant children. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. DOI: 10.1177/1043986218761959
- Li, S.D., Zhang, X., Tang, W., & Xia, Y. (2017). Predictors and implications of synthetic drug use among adolescents in the gambling capital of China. Sage Open. DOI: 10.1177/2158244017733031
- Kerley, K.R., Copes, H., Li, S.D., Lane, J., & Sharp, S. (Eds.) (2017). Encyclopedia of Corrections, Volumes I & II. New York: Wiley.
- Li, S.D. & Liu, J. (2017). Network characteristics and organizational structure of Chinese drug trafficking groups. Asian Journal of Criminology. 12(1), 63-79.
- Densley, J., Hilal, S., Li, S.D., & Tang, W. (2016). Homicide-suicide in China: An exploratory study of characteristics and types. Asian Journal of Criminology, 12(3), 199-216.
- Li, S. (2014). Familial religiosity, family processes, and juvenile delinquency in a national sample of early adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 34(4), 436-462.
- Hilal, S., Densley, J., Li, S., & Ma, Y. (2014). The routine of mass murders in China. Homicide Studies, 18(1), 83-104.
- Li, S. (2014). Toward a cost-effective correctional system: New developments in community-based corrections in China. Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice, 9(1), 120-125.
- Luo, D., Li, S., & Zhao, G. (2012). Criminal Psychology. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Publishing Group (羅大華、李德、趙桂芬,2012。《犯罪心理學》,北京師範大學出版社).
- Li, S. (2011). Testing mediation using multiple regression and structural modeling analyses in secondary data. Evaluation Review, 35, 240-268.
- Li, S. (2005). Race, self-control, and drug problems among jail inmates. Journal of Drug Issues, 35, 645-663.
- Kleck, G., Server, B., Li, S., and Gertz, M. (2005). The missing link in general deterrence research. Criminology, 43, 623-660.
- MacKenzie, D., and Li, S. (2002). The impact of formal and informal control on criminal careers of probationers. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 39, 243-276.
- Li, D. (1999). Legal sanctions and youths’ status achievement: A longitudinal study. Justice Quarterly, 16, 377-402.
2022, Second Place Book Award, Sixth Research Achievement Awards in Humanities and Social Sciences in Macau, Macau Foundation
2022, Second Prize Paper Award, National Conference on Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Beijing
2022, Second Prize Paper Award, Second International Forum on Drug Policy, China Narcotics Control Foundation
2022, Third Prize Paper Award, Second International Forum on Drug Policy, China Narcotics Control Foundation
2022, Incentive Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff Award, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau, 2021/2022
2018, Outstanding Services Award, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau
2017, Renowned Antidrug Network Teacher, Research & Support Center for Narcotics Control and AIDS prevention, Yunnan University, China
2017, Outstanding Academic Staff, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau
2016-Present, President, Chinese Society for Research in Child Development
2016-2022, Member of the Narcotics Control Committee, Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
2013-Present, President, Asian Association for Substance Abuse Research
2005-Present, Associate Editor, Journal of Drug Issues
2012-Present, Editorial Board Member, Victims and Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice
2006-Present, Non-resident Fellow, Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion, Baylor University, USA.
2013-Present, Affiliated Member, Global Centre for Evidence-based Corrections and Sentencing, Griffith University, Australia
2012-2014, President of the Executive Council, Macau Sociological Association
2010, Special Project Award, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice