
LAM Iok Fong, Agnes 林玉鳳

Associate Professor

Administrative Roles

Associate Professor, Department of Communication, FSS, UM
Director, Centre for Macau Studies, UM
University Ombudsman (Student Affairs)
Non-residential Fellow, Stanley Ho East Asia College, UM

Committee Roles

Member of Equipment & Technology Committee, Department of Communication, FSS, UM
Member of the Academic Council, FSS, UM
Member of the University Senate, UM
Member of Teaching and Learning Enhancement, UM
Member of the Student-Staff Consultation Committee, UM
Member of Staff Housing Committee, UM
Member of Staff Housing Policy Evaluation Committee, UM

Lam, Agnes I.F., “The Original Idea and Changing Concept of ‘Ao Mun Yen,’” ICAS (The International Convention of Asia Scholars) 10 Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 21 to 24 July 2017
Lam, Agnes I.F., “Everyone is the ‘Community’ Designer,” Forum on Cultural Industries (Macao) 2017, 05 June 2017
Lam, Agnes I.F., “News Coverage as Civil Education Content: A Case Study of Macau High School Textbook,” CUHK Value Education Annual Conference, Chinese University Hong Kong, 29-30 April 2016.
Lam, Agnes I.F., “Media Development in the Digital Era: The Global Trend” (keynote), The 3rd Conference on Media Development in the Digital Era, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 08 December 2015
Lam, Agnes I.F., “Social Media’ Spiral of Silence Effect: A case study on Macau’s Political Debate on the Umbrella Movement,” International Conference on Social Media and Social Governance, Suzhou University, 04 to 06 December 2015.
Lam, Agnes I.F., “The Delayed Impact of the Gutenberg Storm: How Did the Technology Discourse Conceptualize the Modern Chinese Press History?”, European Communication Annual Conference 2015 (European Communication and Reach and Education Association, ECREA), Venice, Italy, 13 to 15 September 2015
Lam, Agnes I.F., “A Framing Analysis of the Media Coverage on Domestic Violence in Macau,” Women’s Leadership Symposium, Oxford University, UK, 06 to 07 August 2015
Lam, Agnes I.F., “Where are the Police Supporters? A Mix-method Study on Media and Policing”, Symposium on Policing Studies, Hong Kong Education University, 04 July 2015.
林玉鳳:「貢獻收入、時間與個人發展機會──澳門婦女的家庭責任感」,北京世婦會+20:我們在行動研討會,北京大學,20-23 May 2015.
林玉鳳《京報,嘉慶禁教與馬禮遜--清代京報英譯出版品的發現》,《故宮學與西學學術研討會》2014年11月22日。[Lam, I. F. (22/11/2014). Peking Gazette, Emperor Jiaqing’s Catholicism Restriction Policy, and Robert Morrison: Peking Gazette’s English Translation Publication in Qing Dynasty. Media Effect and Public Opinion Representation.Beijing. ] 林玉鳳、谷宇琪:《網絡事件的新舊媒體互動模式 ──以澳門公共事件為例》,《媒介影響與民意再現國際研討會2014》台北世新大學, 29/03/2014。[Lam, I. F., Gu, Y.Q. (29/03/2014). Intermedia Agenda Setting within the social media and the traditional media: a case study of Macau. International Conference on the Media Effect and the Public Opinion. ] Lam, Agnes I.F., “The Post-1999 Macau Media: Under the backdrop of Growth and Diversification,” China’s Macao SAR: 12 Years of Breakthrough & Transformation, University of Macau—University of Toronto Joint Symposium, Toronto, 19 March 2012
林玉鳳:「不僅與傳播技術有關--澳門傳媒在E 世代面對的問題」,載《第十屆海峽兩岸暨港澳新聞研討會論文集》,(研討會:2011年11月28-29日,台北)頁107-113。[Lam, I. F., “It is not only the Technology: Macau Media towards the E Era,” the Conference Proceeding of the 10th Conference on the Journalism of Mainland, Taiwan, HK & Macau, Taipei, 28 to 29 November 2007, pp. 107-113.] 林玉鳳:「金融海嘯可以預防?──反思傳媒在金融海嘯中的傳播能功能」,載《第十一屆海峽兩岸暨港澳新聞研討會論文集》,(研討會:2009年6月8至11日,澳門)頁84-88。[Lam, I. F., “Is the Financial Tsunami Avoidable? A Re-thinking on Media Functions during the Financial Tsunami”, the Conference Proceeding of the 11th Conference on the Journalism of Mainland, Taiwan, HK & Macau, Macau, 8th to 11th June 2009, pp. 84-88. ] 林玉鳳:「傳媒與澳門公民社會的建立」,政治文化與公民社會國際研討會,2009年3月18-19日,澳門大學。[Lam, I. F., “Media and the Formation of Macau Civil Society,” a paper presented at the International Symposium on Political Culture and Civil Society,” March 18-19, University of Macau] 林玉鳳:「從博彩業開放以來的澳門報業看華文報業發展的新形態」,第39屆世界中文報業論壇,2006年10月,澳門。[Lam, I. F., “The New Pattern Development of Chinese Newspaper Industry–A Case Study of Macau’s Newspaper Industry since 2005”, paper presented at the 39th Congress of the World’s Chinese Newspaper Industry, October 2006, Macau.] 林玉鳳:「澳門中文傳媒在災難報導中的人文關懷取向──以印度洋海嘯為例」,載《第九屆海峽兩岸暨港澳新聞研討會論文集》,(研討會:2005年8月31至9月1日,中國新彊)頁45-48。[“Macau Media’s Humanism Approach on the South East Asian Tsunami Coverage,” the Conference Proceeding of the 9th Conference on the Journalism of Mainland, Taiwan, HK & Macau, Xin Jiang Province, China, 31st August to 1st September 2005, pp45-48. ] 林玉鳳:「從本土研究到區域互動研究──澳門傳播研究的回顧與前瞻」,載《第七屆海峽兩岸暨港澳新聞研討會論文集》,(研討會:2005年8月31至9月1日,澳門)頁83-87。[Lam, I. F., “ From Local Studies to Regional Studies: the Past, Present, and Future of Macau Media Studies,” the Conference Proceeding of the 7th Conference on Media Development in Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, pp83-87.] 林玉鳳:「在平穩中發展──回歸後澳門文學的發展狀況」,世界華文作家大會,2002年10月,日本東京。[Lam, I. F., “Macau Literature after the Handover,” a paper presented at the World’s Chinese Writer Congress, October 2002, Tokyo, Japan.] 林玉鳳:「廿一世紀澳門文學發展前瞻」,世界華文作家大會暨世界華文文學傳承與發展研討會,2000年11月,美國洛杉磯。[Lam, I. F., “Forward to the Macau Literature in the 21st Century”, paper presented at the World’s Chinese Writer Congress and the Conference on the Inherits of Chinese Literature, November 2001, Los Angeles, USA] 林玉鳳:「葡文傳媒在澳門擔演的社會角色」,載《亞洲新聞傳播與社會變遷研討會論文集》,香港浸會大學新聞學院,1998年6月,第一版,頁447-455。